Recently I woke up and didn't feel all that fantastic. I had a stuffy nose and my throat hurt so i decided to take a sick day, which was actually not that hard, considering im not employed at the moment.
See, in high school I used to call these sick days, "mental health days." The day where I would put on my most comfy pajamas and prepare myself for a full day of television. Oh the possibilities! Would I watch Maury or Dr. Phil? Theres always something I can count on for sure. And that is that at 11:00 im watching Bob Barker.

How many eight-year olds know a can of chickpeas costs eighty-nine cents? How many twelve-year old can tell you the features of a new solid oak armoire? And how many fourteen-year olds can estimate the value of an ice cream maker, new speedboat, and trip to Puerto Rico?
Well I'll tell you who, man: any kid with the flu.
The Price is Right is one massive set of games, prizes and tuna fish ads. But you find yourself cheering along and guessing the price of that leather ottoman, yelling for the big wheel to stop on $1.00, and crossing your fingers for the announcer to unveil a game of Plinko or yes...a new car!!!

And so wether you were six with the chicken pox, nine with the flu, twelve with a broken arm or 23 and named Catherine, you can always count on sixty solid minutes with the company of that old seventies set, and lots of one-dollar bets, all crunched into the best sick day game show yet! Thank you Bob Barker, for filling my sick days. For giving me a purpose for sitting on the couch. And for teaching me how to be a better guesser, shopper, and person. Heres to you!

Amen! This will always be one of my favorite shows!
ReplyDeleteThis post sounds like you were asked to promote the show to get something for free! haha I love it.